New Office located at the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute
The Kainake Project is delighted to move into its first office located at the Papua New Guinea National Research Institute (NRI). We...

Project Coordinator undertakes Certificate Course in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
The Kainake Project has been fortunate to have its Project Coordinator Ms. Junelyn Noro attend a Certificate IV Course in...

Youth graduates with Certificate Course in Biodiversity Conservation
On Friday the 20th of December, The Kainake Project had the privilege of witnessing Mr. Nelson Pakerai from Botulai village in South...

TKP signs MOA with Bread for the World
A Memorandum of Agreement was signed between TKP and Bread for the World (BftW) to conduct a project titled “Sustainable Resource...

Film Kagalalo features in 2019 UN Human Rights Film Festival
Kagalalo is showing as part of the United Nation's Human Rights Film Festival in Papua New Guinea in September and October 2019. It will...

A successful partnership with the Australian Museum reaches completion
In April 2016, TKP and the Kwaio Cultural Centre in Malaita Province of Solomon Islands entered into a partnership with the Australian...

TKP welcomes Junelyn Noro as its Project Coordinator
The Kainake Project is pleased to announce that Ms. Junelyn Noro is joining the organization as its volunteer Project Coordinator in...

Leadership, Gender and Conservation
Traditional leadership and the structure of governance is critical for sustaining community conservation in Bougainville. In February...

Preliminary biodiversity assessment of Kagalalo Conservation Area
A preliminary biodiversity survey was conducted in the Kagalalo Conservation Area in February 2019 to identify species of conservation...

Kuna Siuwai Pokong book presented to Rara-Rarei Foundation for delivery to Siwai Schools
We are pleased to present the Rara-Rarei Foundation with one hundred and fifty copies of the book Kuna Siuwai Pokong (Medicinal Plants...