All research conducted in our conservation areas are guided by Papua New Guinea laws. Researchers who wish to conduct research within our communities must fill in the PNG Research Application Form and submit to PNG Science and Technology Secretariat after Prior Informed and Continuous Consent (PICC) is provided by the communities (See TKP's Standard Operating Procedures). All researchers are further required to comply with the National Research Code of Conduct. Both documents are listed below.
In additional to the national guidelines, TKP has also developed an Ethics and Governance Policy and set out a Standard Operating Procedure to guide researchers and institutions who are interested in undertaking research in our community project areas. Procedures for obtaining Prior Informed and Continuous Consent (PICC) are provided in Scheme 1 below.
Click to download Policy Documents for research permits
Standard Operation Procedure for conducting research in project sites in Bougainville

As part of our organisational governance strategy, we developed a number of guiding policies, including a Strategic Plan to govern the administration and operations of the organisation. Below is a list of our policies